Thursday, 23 August 2012

The use of Social Networks in the Workplace

Organisations need to consider the use of social networks as their communication tools


Picture obove: An employer teaching the employees regarding the use of

In today's world it is really impotant for companies to adapt the use of social networks as their communication tools. Contemporary companies are adopting the use of social networks as their communication tools to communicate with their stakeholders. Organizations that haven't adopted such tools are now in the minority "One of the reasons why employers and workers are using social networks in the workplace is, in large part, because these channels are increasingly becoming a routine part of how work gets done. There are many advantages to being socially "connected" in the workplace.

Well-connected employees are more productive and social networks can help to increase the productivity by which they connect and collaborate. Being connected and collaborating with stakeholders can be done through the use of social networks by communicating with them. Organisations  use social networks to keep up their stakeholders with company events, recruit talent and gain a deeper understanding of their stakeholders. This shows that social networks are very important to be considered in every organisation because a company can improve  its communication effectiveness through the use of social networks. It is also important for companies to teach their employees regarding the use of social networks. Teaching employees regarding the use of social networks is the duty of Public Relations more

Thursday, 16 August 2012

Why using Social Networks ineffectively?

Effective use of Social Networking tools.

Social Networking

Social Networks are the contemporary communication tools used by many people in the world who wish to deliver their messages across. Delivering your message through social networks is faster and you can reach multitude of recipients at the same time.  Social Networking tools keep us in touch with many people around the world because we can share whatever  we want to share with them but it is very effective for every user of social networks to use them effectively.

Using social networks inappropriately could threaten your reputation. Don't forget that whatever you post on social networks it will be delivered to many people around the world and it also representing your reputation. If you are using social networks negatively you will be considered inappropriate and unethical and this will create a bad reputation about yourself. In order to use social networks effectively there are some guidelines that you need to bear in mind by considering the following:
  • Respect Others
  • Do No Harm
  • Maintain Privacy
  • Maintain Confidentiality
  • Think Before You Post
  • Be a Valued Member
  • Be Accurate
These guidelines are very impotant to be considered when using social networks. If you can use social networks effectively you will be considered as appropriate and ethical and also your reputation will be protected against any threats. My question why people using social networks inappropriately?.
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Wednesday, 8 August 2012


The effect of dating on social networks

Picture above:These are the people who are dating on
                         social networking
The emergence of social networks has changed the way we communicate with one another. Dating on social networks may be one of the fastest growing social interactions of the 21st century. People are now using social networks as their advantage to find their love partners.Dating on social networks has become popular worldwide where we see many people dating on line, and it is important for people to be aware of the possible consequences of dating on social networking sites .Some people are dating on social networks with people who are far away fr they are able to chart with one another due to the power of social networks.
There are many consequences regarding dating on social networks that many people are not aware of them. The limitations of dating on social networks are a lot better than you may think but those consequences doesn’t mean that they occur for everyone but happen to those who are not aware of them. There are limitations regarding dating on social networks which are the following:
·          Meeting a dishonest person who created a false profile with beautiful pictures in order to attract you.
·         Relationships breakdown because some partners are cheating each other by dating on social networks
·         You may be fooled by people telling you that they love you while they are not
·         Crime related matters including theft, rape and death where some people are the victims
What is interesting about social networks is that you can chart with a person from a different part of the world whom you don’t know . If you are dating on social networks you need to be aware of possible consequences because if you are not aware you will end up being a more

Friday, 3 August 2012


The significance of using social networks by musicians  


Picture above: Popular kind of social networks   that are used
                          by musicians. source from

The communication between musicians and their fans has changed due to the power of social networks. The power of social networks in the music industries help the musicians to communicate with their fans. Communication in the music industries has improved due to the power of using social networks because musicians and their fans are now communicating with one another. Musicians are now reaching their fans in more effective way than ever before; some musicians are using social networks to build relationships with their fans. Social Networks also help the musicians  to be able to recognise their fans and followers.
The emergence of social networks brought changes in the lives of many people, particularly the musicians because they can now launch their latest albums via social networks.   Musicians are now able to share their albums on the social networks in order to inform their fans regarding their latest albums. Sharing your album with your fans on the social networks is another way of marketing yourself because your fans will be informed and be able to view and listen to your tracks before they can buy your album. read more
There are many more social networking sites and tools that can help you to succeed in the music industry such as the following
  •   FACEBOOK                             
  •  TWITTER                 
  • MY SPACE     
  • YOU TUBE and many more

Social networks that I have mentioned above are the most well regarded social network tools that are helpful in the music industries used by musicians in order to communicate with their fans. What made me realize that social networks are important in the music industries is that you can keep your followers and fans updated and can also help musicians to be able to recognize and measure the number of their fans. My question is that, are social networks really important to be used by musician?