Wednesday, 15 May 2013


Be careful of what you say and post on Social Networks to out stay out of trouble

Writing something about someone on Social networks that can ruin their reputation it could be defamatory.
Defamatory can be anything bad you can say about a particular person that you are not even sure about. Before you write anything on social networks you should write about things that you are purely sure about and stop making accusations you wouldn't make in real life. Making accusations that might ruin someone's reputation on social networks may lead yourself being sued by that particular person you accused him/her.

A photo can also be defamatory. If you post a picture that appears in an offending manner such as a picture of a drunk minister of religion it would probably damage his good name. This kind of picture is not legal to be posted on Social networks because it shows offensive and you could end up being sued or in jail.
If someone defamed you on a social network you have rights to report that particular person and that person he might end up in jail. This is a crime related matter to write bad things about someone and posting pictures that are offensive. And you could be sued by that particular person.

It is very important for every social networks user to be responsible regarding effective use of social social networks. And it also important to be aware of posts that are illegal on social networks. Every user of social networks must use them cautiously in order to stay away from trouble.